
Employee injury of any magnitude (no matter how minor or major it may be) can amount to the employer paying a steep price. Learn what an employee’s workplace injury really costs you and a simple solution to keep your workforce safer than ever!

What is a Workplace Injury Costing You?

As an employer, it’s important to feel confident in your employee’s ability to physically do the job they were hired to do.

Did you know that just one slip, trip or sprain can cost you $10,000 or more?

Here’s a breakdown of the direct and indirect costs you may pay for a workplace injury:

  • Lost productivity
  • Loss of services or products.
  • Surgical and/or medical costs such as medicine and rehabilitation.
  • Delays in shipments or deliveries.
  • Time away to go to doctor’s appointments.
  • Time to find a replacement while the employee is out on leave, or has quit because they are now unable to do the job they were originally hired to do.
  • Potential OSHA penalties.
  • Managerial costs that include: investigations, inspections and meetings.
  • Loss of employee morale.

“The direct costs are literally just the tip of the iceberg. Indirect cost multipliers for work related injuries range from 3 to 10 times as direct costs!” R .Gagne, VP Worker’s Comp and Disability

Many Accidents Are Avoidable

Believe it or not — you as the employer have more control over workplace injury than you think!

With the right employee resources such as consistent safety training and employee testing, many workplace injuries can be avoidable!

Remember: investing in your employee’s workplace safety and health allows you to stay compliant with federal regulated safe working practices while also improving your bottom line.

Our occupational health service cover pre-employment and post-employment programs to ensure your employees remain fit to do the job they were hired to do, that include:

  • Functional Capacity Evaluation
  • Respirator Protection Program
  • Hearing Conservation Program Testing
  • Drug/alcohol Testing (pre-employment, random and reasonable cause)
  • Background Screens
  • Silica testing, and much more!

From the time they’re hired to the time they retire, Axiom provides the resources and support to help you effectively manage a healthy workforce.

Within minutes of an employee getting injured, they’ll have access to 24/7 nurse triage directing them to the appropriate level of care–of which (in many cases) the injury can be resolved with first-aid measures!


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