
onsite healthcareAs healthcare costs continue to rise, employers should look for alternative ways to support their employees with onsite healthcare services to drive affordability while improving their overall health. In a pandemic situation like this, protecting your workplace and workforce becomes more crucial than ever. With onsite healthcare and medical services, employers can provide their workforce with convenient access to quality and affordable care.

Why Should You Choose Onsite Healthcare?

Consumers are always looking for more inexpensive and convenient options while accessing care. With workplace health centers and wellness programs, employers now can fulfill their employees’ healthcare needs.

Onsite health centers can meet these following needs:

  • Provide employees an affordable and convenient healthcare option
  • Include everything from testing to vaccination programs and mobile lab clinics
  • Quick telephonic access to registered nurses for health-related queries
  • Lab services with rapid COVID-19 testing

How Can Onsite Healthcare Help Employees?

After the global pandemic onset, employers now recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy workforce. Onsite clinics play a significant role here. With telemedicine options, employer-sponsored health services, and mobile labs offering rapid testing, vaccinations, and flu shots, employees now have access to primary care at their convenience.


  • Help manage an infectious disease at the workplace with early detection
  • Prevent contagious illness from spreading
  • Offer accessible vaccine administering at the worksite
  • Provide primary and preventive care effectively

Services Offered:

  • Wellness screenings
  • Health risk assessments
  • Worksite flu management
  • Employee health and wellness coaching

Visit Axiom Medical Onsite Flu Clinic

How Can Onsite Healthcare Help Employers?

The number of employers preferring a workplace clinic benefit continues to climb, especially in the last two years. With coronavirus affecting the entire world, having a workplace or near-site medical service center is more beneficial than before. Instead of managing sick employee absenteeism while they are away from work, spending time for an appointment, and deciphering the medical bill that comes afterward, employers can bring the benefits of onsite healthcare right to their workplace.

The benefits of onsite healthcare are listed here.

1. Decreased Cost:

Having an onsite clinic offers employees easy access to healthcare and medical services. A visit to an onsite clinic is comparatively less expensive than the same visit to an off-site healthcare center. That’s because worksite medical services have lower operational costs than a community clinic. Additionally, employees can seek prompt treatment for any health concerns and receive primary care without going to an actual clinic.

2. Better Business Productivity:

With a lower number of unscheduled absences from work, employers can expect better business productivity. Usually, the cost of absences increases direct-payroll and indirect costs, further increasing healthcare costs.

3. Reduction in Healthcare Expenditures:

The idea of introducing an onsite clinic is to provide preventive care at an early stage. This process includes testing, early detection, training employees on telemedicine and onsite wellness programs, and helping them receive care as needed, which eventually reduces healthcare expenditures.

The Growing Trend:

Onsite healthcare trend

Image Source: Mercer’s National Survey

Based on Mercer’s survey report, it is evident that employer-based onsite health centers and telemedicine are gaining popularity lately. Primarily, it is because of the improved access to high-quality care for employees.

Expanding existing occupational health management services to provide primary care, general medical services, and health assessments will offer both employees and their families timely access to quality care. Onsite medical clinic’s positive growth trend indicates a broader drift toward comprehensive onsite clinics and mobile labs at a worksite.

Axiom Medical offers employee health management through occupational health and industrial onsite medical services and testing. Call us today for more details!

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