
COVID 19 Telehealth is an Indispensable Tool for Protecting the Workplace InAs coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, telehealth is an increasingly valuable tool in the fight against the spread of infection within the workplace. Exposed or potentially exposed employees have access to the care they need, helping to mitigate the spread of illness without sacrificing the quality of care.

Here’s a closer look at why telemedicine is becoming an increasingly indispensable tool for occupational health:

Immediate Access to Care.  Anytime.  Anywhere.

Should an employee exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or feel they have been potentially exposed, immediate access to a healthcare provider becomes priority number one!

By providing employees with a 24/7 telephonic resource, the staff has the ability to:

  • Immediately report symptoms
  • Can be medically screened for the virus
  • Coordinate formal medical care, if warranted

Telehealth Reduces Spread of Illness

Respiratory viruses are especially difficult to control. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid exposure.

Telemedicine reduces the spread of germs in several ways. It allows employees to seek medical care from home, saving them from spreading germs to others, for instance on public transportation, in their doctor’s waiting room, and to the healthcare providers who attend to them.

Steps You Can Take to Protect the Workplace

In accordance with CDC guidelines, employers should encourage employees to:

Practice Good Hygiene

  • Stop handshaking – use other non-contact methods of greeting.
  • Clean hands at the door and schedule regular hand washing reminders by email.
  • Create habits and reminders to avoid touching their faces and cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, desks, and handrails regularly.
  • Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting the air conditioning.

Be Careful with Meetings and Travel

  • Use video conferencing for meetings when possible.
  • When not possible, hold meetings in open, well-ventilated spaces.
  • Consider adjusting or postponing large meetings or gatherings.
  • Assess the risks of business travel.

Handle Food Carefully

  • Limit food sharing.
  • Strengthen health screening for cafeteria staff and their close contacts.
  • Ensure cafeteria staff and their close contacts practice strict hygiene.

Stay Home If…

  • Feeling sick.
  • Have a sick family member in their home.

How Axiom Can Help – New Service Offering

You have questions, we have answers!

Axiom’s Rapid Response Respiratory Illness Program offers support to both employers and employees.


Need assistance with screening and social isolation policies for ill or potentially exposed employees?

Could you benefit from access to an occupational board-certified chief medical officer?

Axiom can manage the process of evaluating employees exposed to or exhibiting symptoms that might indicate they are infected with COVID-19, and subsequently manage their absence from and return to work. It’s quick and efficient, reducing the burden on HR and Management teams.  The program protects you from having to deal with Protected Personal Health Information that you would not ordinarily have access to while ensuring your organizational policies are consistently applied.


Should an employee be exposed to or develop symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, or shortness of breath), which may appear 2-14 days after exposure, call our 24/7 injury/illness hotline for immediate assistance.

3 Step Process
  • Axiom Dispatch will gather information in the initial call and assign the case to an Axiom team member.
  • An Axiom team member will assess risk and follow contagious disease protocol.  They will refer the employee to their personal physician or higher level of care as needed.
  • Axiom will assist with Return to Work when appropriate.

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