
Workplace COVID-19 RISK Calculator is Here!

by | Sep 30, 2021 | Axiom Medical, Coronavirus & COVID-19, Product Updates

COVID-19 risk calculator

Axiom Medical’s workplace COVID-19 risk calculator is here!

We are excited to announce the release of our COVID Risk Calculator. We have combined our proprietary data with the latest scientifically recognized infectious disease information to help you better understand your occupational risk based on industry, location, employee count, and the ability to distance. ​

This FREE calculator is based on geographical information and workplace behavioral factors, the calculator is intended to measure the risk of exposure to COVID against county data for your industry. ​

Knowing your score can help you put plans in place to keep your teams safe, no matter their location.  ​

Even better, you can trend your score over time as you re-visit the calculator as often as you’d like to see how risks are changing every day!

Axiom Medical, a leading provider of occupational health management and analytics, has released its COVID Risk Calculator, leveraging our proprietary data with the latest scientifically recognized infectious disease informatics. Based on geographical information and workplace behavioral factors, the calculator is intended to measure the risk of exposure to COVID against county data for your industry. 

What’s your organization’s risk tolerance level? Here is a quiz for you to find your organization’s COVID-19 Risk Tolerance Level.

Axiom Medical Can Help!

Does your organization need assistance with Workplace Contagious Illness Management and occupational health services? Axiom Medical can help. With two decades of experience in employee total health program and population health management, we can help your organization with any workplace healthcare needs. Contact us today to learn more!

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