
Post Car Accident Symptoms That Your Employees Should Be Aware Of

by | Aug 15, 2022 | Axiom Medical, Employee Health Management, Employee Health Medical Management, Injury Case Management

Ever heard the phrase “things aren’t always as they appear”?  Never has that been more accurate than with minor motor vehicle accidents.  What you believe to be a minor car accident injury can quickly escalate, resulting in costly medical fees and unnecessary recordable outcomes. Read on as we explain why an employee may initially deny injury, but later develop symptoms. Here are some delayed post car accident symptoms that you should be aware of.

We will also share the single most effective step you can take as an employer to protect both the employee and your safety record.

Post car accident symptoms

The Body’s Response in Motor Vehicle Accidents

An accident can be a traumatic experience, which causes the body to react and respond in ways we may not typically expect.

Perhaps you have heard stories of people having extraordinary strength to lift heavy objects which could not be done in normal circumstances.

This is due to the hormones responsible for the “fight or flight” reaction, released by the adrenal glands.

An employee may not initially recognize pain or feel they have been injured.  But the absence of initial pain doesn’t mean that pain will not develop later.

Six Delayed Post Motor Vehicle Accident Symptoms

Several of the most common delayed symptoms, following a motor vehicle accident, include:

  • Headaches
  • Back Pain
  • Neck or Shoulder Pain / Stiffness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Numbness
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

While such symptoms can be easily treated with conservative care, the injured worker tends to experience anxiety when symptoms develop.  Some of the symptoms can be a result of internal bleeding as well. When someone does not understand the symptoms or what to expect, they begin to panic and will many times seek independent emergency intervention.

Unfortunately, the employer is then faced with costly medical expenses from extensive diagnostic testing, unwarranted prescription medications, or even a restricted work status.

Everybody Wins with Proactive Management

The single most effective step you can take as an employer to prevent unnecessary outcomes is seeking the assistance of a licensed medical professional immediately following an accident.

While the employee may not require formal medical treatment, allowing them the opportunity to be medically assessed can mean the difference between a first aid outcome and lost time.

Such assessments can be performed telephonically by a Nurse Case Manager who will not only assess their condition, but also review past medical history to identify any health problems which could impact recovery.

The employee is provided with preventative first aid measures and can continue to be closely monitored for delayed symptom development.

Ready for Piece of Mind? Axiom Medical Can Help!

If you are tired of “hoping” your employees are okay following a motor vehicle accident, Axiom Medical’s Injury Case Management Program is designed for employers just like you. Our telephonic OSHA trained Nurse Case Managers are available 24/7 to treat your employees, many times with first aid measures that require no clinic visit.

Axiom Medical Can Help!

Does your organization need assistance with Workplace Contagious Illness Management and occupational health services? Axiom Medical can help. With two decades of experience in employee total health program and population health management, we can help your organization with any workplace healthcare needs. Contact us today to learn more!

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