
Are Your Employees Fit Enough To Do Their Job?

by | Oct 10, 2018 | Injury Case Management

As an employer, you already know the risks involved when necessary safety protocol isn’t taken.

The unfortunate truth is, all the safety measures in the world aren’t effective if the employee isn’t the right fit.

Learn how to determine if you’re assigning the right people for the right job, and what you can do to minimize their risk for injury!

Are your employees fit enough to do their job?

There are four main types of employees that could be at risk for potential injury:

  • New Hires;
  • Existing workers assigned to different tasks or a new role;
  • Workers exhibiting strange new behaviors.
  • Existing workers who have come back to their position after being away on leave due to an injury.

More than 40 percent of annual work-related injuries are attributed to employees on the job less than a year.

Placing a new-hire in a potentially dangerous work environment without the experience and instincts necessary to keep them safe can cost you a serious injury.

Do you have any employees assigned to a new position?

Are they fit to take on new safety challenges?

Do you have any employees who are demonstrating odd and uncharacteristic behavior?

As an employer, it’s essential that you have the support in place to ensure a healthy and fit workforce.

The National Safety Council estimates that the “lost-time associated with the average injury costs nearly $30,000”.

Bottom line for the employer?

It costs companies more to treat injuries than it does to prevent them.

What Kind of Exams Can Keep My Workforce Safe? 

A Functional Capacity Evaluation (which occurs during pre-employment or as part of their Return to Work assessment) will supply employers with the confidence in the placement of their employees.

The employee is given a test dependent on their job duties, to determine whether or not the employee is the right fit for the position.

This can drastically minimize the risk of hiring and/or placing the wrong person in the job, and limit (or altogether prevent) injury from taking place.

The bottom line with employee testing?

It allows you to stop spending more on treating injuries because you’ve efficiently prevented them from taking place.

How Can Axiom Help You Achieve a Fit Workforce?

Axiom provides the resources and support to help you effectively manage a healthy workforce. We offer Functional Capacity evaluations, fit-for-duty evaluations, silica testing, hearing conservation and drug screenings – and so much more.

Contact us today by filling out the form above, and learn how simple employee health solutions can really be.

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