
Curious to know how to keep you and your family safe during this year’s holiday season? Given that travel could pose health dangers for various vulnerable populations, Axiom Medical has these holiday travel safety tips and best practices with dos and don’ts for responsible use of commercial transportation and hospitality venues during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Holiday travel safety tips

Read more to find out!

COVID-19 Holiday Travel Safety Tips & Best Practices:

With the COVID-19 pandemic worsening, holiday gathering and traveling puts you at a higher risk of contracting this viral disease. Just like every year, many families will travel during the holidays to meet their loved ones. While we strongly advise you to avoid any sort of travel, some of you may have to do so because of unavoidable personal reasons. If you happen to travel during this COVID-19 pandemic, pay close attention to both state and local guidelines.

Our Axiom Medical experts suggest the following tips to slow the spread of COVID-19 during your holiday travel.

  • Find Travel Restriction and Local Guidelines Before Booking:

Do some homework before booking your holiday trip. Many states in the USA still have a 14-day mandatory quarantine upon-arrival guideline in place. Check the local government websites to find out more about travel restrictions and local guidelines before making any travel plans.

  • Travel by Road vs. Air/Train/Bus:

If you have your car, traveling by road is the safest option during this pandemic. However, if road travel is not a viable option for you, then take necessary precautions while traveling by air, train, or bus. Most airlines now follow the stringiest protocol to keep their airbus safe for the passengers. Apart from regular cleaning and periodic sanitizing, some airlines now perform a pre-boarding temperature check, staff health screening, and social distancing at the airport and inside the cabin.

  • Mask, Wash & Social Distance:

Our Axiom Medical experts recommend using the three standards whenever possible: mask up, wash your hands, and maintain social distance.

The CDC also has many helpful tips for pandemic-era travel. Find them here!
  • Get A Flu Shot:

Before traveling, try to get a flu shot. A flu shot will help you stay safe from flu and similar respiratory illness often widespread during fall and winter. This year, taking a flu shot is more essential than ever.

Read more about this by clicking the button below.

Coronavirus vs. Flu

  • Avoid Red Flags At Public Areas:

The primary reason for coronavirus spread is the lack of social distancing enforcement and not using personal protective equipment. Whenever at a public place, try to avoid these red flags listed below.

  • Avoid crowded areas and maintain social distance while at check-in counters, airline boarding areas, and lounges.
  • Try to wash hands and use hand sanitizers whenever possible and after using the elevators or restrooms.
  • Avoid public payphones, ATMs, and charging stations if possible. If you happen to use them, take necessary precautions such as washing hands and sanitizing after each usage.
  • Caution During Travel:

If you’re traveling via plane, train, or bus, make sure to wear a facial mask the entire time. Whenever possible, practice social distancing, wash your hands, and use hand sanitizers as required. Also, if you can, try to find an airline that leaves the middle seat open.

  • Contact Your Hotel/Resort Facility:

If you are staying at a hotel or a resort facility, contact them before your travel. Ask them about their hotel social-distancing policies and protocols. You may request them to do additional cleaning in your room if necessary.

  • Quarantine Before & After:

The safest approach is to self-isolate yourself before and after your travel. Try to limit your non-essential outdoor visits for about two weeks before your trip. Just in case you’re exposed before your journey, cancel your holiday travel until you have tested negative.

If Exposed:

  • If you are exposed en-route, get yourself tested immediately.
  • If you are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, contact your doctor immediately and self quarantine.

If Not Exposed:

  • Try to limit in-person meetings after your travel.
  • Quarantine yourself for at least 2-weeks after your trip ends.

Those Who Can’t Travel:Holiday safety tips in Pandemic

Image Source: Emerson Hospital

Celebrate Virtually:

If you are not traveling for some reason, celebrate virtually. This is the safest and least risky way to celebrate the holidays during this pandemic. Whenever you join others or have others join your circle, it increases the risk of virus spreading.

Entertain Outdoors:

Celebrating outdoors is safer and better than socializing inside a closed building. Even while enjoying the outdoors, be mindful of safety precautions and maintain social distance, and wear masks.

Drive-Through Party:

Consider hosting a drive-through party instead of a traditional one. This is great, particularly, for those older family members who are at higher risk of complications from COVID-19.

If you must travel this holiday season, consider driving with family members instead of commercial transportation. Refer to all necessary health and government policies when traveling across the state lines. And if you choose air travel, take precautions to stay safe.

Axiom Medical hosted a webinar on holiday travel safety tips and best practices with industry experts. Click below to watch the video

Webinar Link

Watch our Axiom Medical experts discussing this topic on the 19th of November at 1:00 PM. Click the below video!

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