
Brand Assets


The Axiom Medical logo is a universal signature we use across all our communications. Our logo consists of two elements: our icon + our brand name. We want it to be instantly recognizable, so consistency is important—please don’t edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure it.


Transforming Occupational Medicine

One Life at a Time


We’re Axiom Medical Consulting, LLC but sometimes we go by Axiom Medical for short. We aren’t Axiom or Axiom Consulting or Axiom Healthcare. Nothing against those companies but it’s just not us 🙂

Primary Logo

This variation is the primary logo for the brand. To be used on light backgrounds.

Download transparent primary logo PDF or PNG

Download transparent primary icon PDF or PNG

This variation is the blue logo for the brand. To be used on light backgrounds.

Download transparent logo PDF or PNG

Download transparent icon PDF or PNG

This variation is the dark grey logo for the brand. To be used on light backgrounds.

Download transparent logo PDF or PNG

Download transparent icon PDF or PNG

This variation is the white logo for the brand. To be used on dark backgrounds or over images.

Download transparent white logo PDF or PNG

Download transparent white icon PDF or PNG


Logo and icon variations should be sourced from these files and not constructed from scratch. If you’re creating an image composition, place the Axiom Medical logo or icon in the right corner, an inch from the edges.

Main Colors






Secondary Colors





































































