
5 Steps to Preventing Falls – Health Approach

by | Sep 20, 2019 | Workplace Safety

5 Steps to Preventing Falls – Health ApproachWould it surprise you to know that every 11 seconds, an adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury?

In celebration of National Fall Prevention Awareness Week, sponsored by the National Council on Aging, let’s take a look at fall prevention steps.

5 Fall Prevention Steps

Find a good balance and exercise program.

Look to build balance, strength, and flexibility.  Find a program you like and take a friend!

Talk to your healthcare provider.

Ask for an assessment of your risk of falling.  Remember to share any history of recent falls.

Regularly review your medications with your doctor or pharmacist.

Make sure side effects aren’t increasing your risk of falling.  Don’t forget to only take medicines as prescribed.

Get your vision and hearing checked annually and update your eyeglasses.

Remember your eyes and ears are key to keeping you on your feet!

Keep your home and work environment safe.

Remove tripping hazards, increase lighting, make stairs safe, and install grab bars in key areas.


Follow the steps.  After all, most falls are preventable!

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